Dine Out Vancouver 2.0

Better ways to choose Dine Out Vancouver restaurants!



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DOV Restaurants List With Yelp Ratings

Interactive list of DOV Restaurants with Yelp Ratings!

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Name Rating # of Reviews See Yelp Reviews Check out DOV Menu City Neigh bour hood Cuisine Has Lunch Reserv ations

Yelp results current as of Jan 19, 2017 - (some yelp info may be incorrect due to automated yelp api results)



The DOV official site does have some useful features for choosing a restaurant, however it is missing some key features that that would make it really useful.

Hope you guys have found this helpful. If you find any errors in the data or dead links, please let me know.

This is the fourth year I have done this (Yes, they haven't improved their website in over four years! It is still the exact same!). Here is the DOV mashup for 2016 I created.


My name is Brian Quan and I am a Product / User Experience Designer.
Let's talk!

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